Monday, May 31, 2010

Weekly News of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat

Weekly News of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat

পাকিস্তানে আহমদীয়া মসজিদে বর্বরোচিত এবং অমানবিক আক্রমনের প্রেক্ষাপটে
নিখিল বিশ্ব আহমদীয়া মুসলিম জামাতের ৫ম খলীফা হযরত মির্যা মসরুর আহমদ (আই.)-এর বিবৃতি

২৮শে মে- ২০১০ইং

    পাকিস্তানের লাহোরস্থ আহমদীয়া মুসলিম জামাতের দু’টো মসজিদে আজ যে সন্ত্রাসী ও সহিংস আক্রমণ চালানো হয়েছে, সে প্রেক্ষাপটে জামাতের বর্তমান খলীফা হযরত মির্যা মসরুর আহমদ (আই.) নিম্নলিখিত বিবৃতি প্রদান করেছেন।

    আজ লাহোরের দু’টো আহমদীয়া মসজিদে যে সন্ত্রাসী ও সহিংস আক্রমন চালানো হয়েছে তা সম্পূর্ণরূপে বর্বরোচিত এবং অমানবিক। এ আক্রমন করা হয় জুমু’আর সময় যা সম্পর্কে সকল মুসলমান একমত যে এটি একটি পবিত্র সময়। কোন প্রকৃত মুসলমান এমন নিষ্ঠুর এবং পৈষাচিক আক্রমনকে সমর্থন করবে না। ইসলামে কোন প্রকার সন্ত্রাসের কোন স্থান নেই। তাই ইসলামের নামে সন্ত্রাসীদের এহেন আক্রমনের কোন বৈধতাও নেই। একথা স্পষ্ট হওয়া উচিত যে, এরা শুধু নামে মাত্র মুসলমান, কার্যতঃ ইসলামের সাথে এদের দূরতম কোন সম্পর্কও নেই।

    পাকিস্তানের পরিস্থিতি অত্যন্ত ভয়াবহ। গত বেশ কয়েক দশক ধরে সেখানে আহমদীরা শান্তিপূর্ণ জীবনযাপনের সুযোগ থেকে বঞ্চিত বরং তারা অব্যাহত হুমকির মাঝে জীবনযাপন করছে। ১৯৭৪ -এ পাকিস্তান সরকার আহমদীদেরকে অমুসলিম ঘোষণা করেছে। এর ১০ বছর পর কুখ্যাত অধ্যাদেশ ২০ জারী করা হয়। যে অধ্যাদেশ অনুসারে সকল প্রকার ইবাদত এবং বিশ্বাস সংক্রান্ত বিষয়াদি পালন আহমদীদের জন্য অপরাধ বলে গণ্য হয়।

    এ আইন অনুসারে পাকিস্তানে আহমদীদের উপর যে কোন যুলুম ও অত্যাচার করা বৈধ। তখন থেকেই চরমপন্থীরা ধৃষ্ট হয়ে উঠেছে এবং আহমদীদেরকে অত্যাচারের লক্ষ্যে পরিণত করছে। সকল অত্যাচার ও নির্যাতন সত্ত্বেও আহমদীরা পাকিস্তানের বিশ্বস্ত নাগরিক। কখনো তারা রাষ্ট্রের প্রতি কোনরূপ বিদ্রোহ বা অবাধ্যতা প্রদর্শন করেনি।

    আমরা এখনো নিশ্চিত করে বলতে পারছিনা যে, এই নৃশংস ঘটনায় কি পরিমাণ ক্ষয়ক্ষতি হয়েছে কিন্তু এটি নিশ্চিত, অনেক আহমদী শহীদ হয়েছেন এবং গুরুতর আহত হয়েছেন আরো অনেকেই। আমি দোয়া করবো, আল্লাহ তা’লা শোক-সন্তপ্ত পরিবারগুলোকে ধৈর্য্য ধরার শক্তি দান করুন, আর যারা শহীদ হয়েছেন জান্নাতে তাদের পদমর্যাদা উন্নীত করুন এবং আহতদের সুস্বাস্থ্য দিন।

    আহমদীয়া মুসলিম জামাত একটি শান্তিপ্রিয় জামাত, তাই আমাদের জামাতের কোন সদস্য কোন প্রকার অযৌক্তিক প্রতিক্রিয়া ব্যক্ত করবেনা। আমাদের মুক্তি সর্বশক্তিমান আল্লাহ্ তা’লার দরবারে দোয়ার মাঝে নিহিত। আর আমরা দৃঢ় বিশ্বাস রাখি যে, তিনি অতীতেও আমাদের সাহায্য করেছেন আর ভবিষ্যতেও করবেন। কোন সন্ত্রাসী বা কোন সরকার কখনো জামাতে আহমদীয়ার অগ্রযাত্রাকে ব্যহত করতে পারবে না; কেননা এটি একটি ঐশী সংগঠন।

    শান্তির জন্য যারা হুমকিস্বরুপ আল্লাহ্ তা’লা শান্তিপ্রিয় মানুষকে তাদের অপকর্ম থেকে নিরাপদ রাখুন।

প্রাপ্ত সুত্রঃ কেন্দ্রীয় বাংলা ডেস্ক, লন্ডন, ইউকে

Death toll rises to 94 following Lahore terrorist attacks « Al Islam eGazette

Death toll rises to 94 following Lahore terrorist attacks « Al Islam eGazette

30th May 2010


Death toll rises to 94 following Lahore terrorist attacks

Ahmadis have turned towards God with patience

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat confirms that thus far 94 Ahmadis have been martyred in the terrorist attacks that took place in Lahore two days ago. Some media outlets, particularly in Pakistan are wrongly claiming that the figure is less. The number of those who have been seriously injured is more than 125.

27 people died at the Baitul Nur Mosque in Model Town, the remaining fatalities occurred at the Darul Zikr mosque in Garhi Shahu.

The deceased include Judge Munir Ahmad Sheikh, the Amir (President) of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat in Lahore; Major General Nasir Ahmad, the President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Model Town; Mr Mahmud Shad, a missionary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat and a number of other senior community officials.

The majority of those martyred have been taken to Rabwah where more than 90 graves have been dug at the community’s graveyard. The martyrs are being buried in groups and thus far over fifty burials have taken place. Plans for a large scale burial of all the victims at one time were abandoned due to security concerns.

As a mark of respect market traders and other shops in Rabwah have remained closed since the attacks.

The Press Secretary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, Abid Khan said:

“It is not only the family members of the deceased who have been left bereaved but in fact every Ahmadi the world over is feeling great sadness at this time. Despite what has happened no Ahmadi has taken to the streets in protest; no Ahmadi has displayed anything but patience. We, under the guidance of our spiritual leader, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, have instead turned towards God and prayed for the victims, for their bereaved relatives and for the long term peace and prosperity of Pakistan. We will continue with this example no matter what is thrown at us in the full certainty that God is with us and always will be.”

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Sunday, May 30, 2010



Ahmadis seek protection as bury
victims of mosque attacks

Associated Press . Lahore

Leaders of the Ahmadi community demanded better government protection Saturday as they buried many of the at least 80 members killed by militants at two of the group’s mosques.
The request could test the government’s willingness to take on hard-line militants whose influence is behind decades of discrimination against the Ahmadis in the Sunni Muslim-majority country.
The attacks occurred minutes apart Friday in two neighbourhoods in Lahore. Two teams of gunmen, including some in suicide vests, stormed the mosques and sprayed bullets at worshippers while holding off police.
Thirteen people died overnight at hospitals, raising the death toll to 93, said Raja Ghalab Ahmad, a local sect leader. Dozens were hurt.
Waseem Sayed, a US-based Ahmadi spokesman, said it was the worst attack in the group’s 121-year history.
Local TV channels reported that the Pakistani Taliban had claimed responsibility.
Ahmad called on the government to take action against the militant group, which also has attacked security, government and foreign targets throughout the country in recent years.
‘Are we not the citizens of Pakistan?’ he asked at the site of the attacks in the Garhi Shahu section of Lahore. ‘We do have the right to be protected, but unfortunately we were not given this protection.’
The Ahmadis are reviled as heretics by mainstream Muslims for their belief that their sect’s founder, was a saviour foretold by the Quran. Many Muslims say Ahmadis are defying the basic tenet of Islam that says Muhammad is the final prophet, but Ahmadis argue that their leader was the saviour rather than a prophet.
The sect originated in 1889 in Qadian, a village in British-ruled India.

Weekly News of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat

Weekly News of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat

পাকিস্তানে আহমদীয়া মসজিদে বর্বোরচিত এবং অমানবিক আক্রমনের প্রেক্ষাপটে

সংবাদ বিজ্ঞপ্তি

২৮ মে ২০১০ ইং রোজ শুক্রবার জুমুআর খুতবার সময় পাকিস্তানের লাহোরস্থ আহমদীয়া মসজিদে ধর্মীয় উগ্রপন্থীরা সশস্ত্র আক্রমণ চালায়। শহরের গড়্‌হী শওতে অবস্থিত মসজিদ ‘দারুয্ যিকর’ এবং মডেল টাউনে অবস্থিত ‘বায়তুন নূর মসজিদ’-এ একই সময় এই আক্রমণ চালানো হয়। এই মসজিদ দু’টি প্রায় ১৫ কিলোমিটার দুরত্বে অবস্থিত। পবিত্র জুমু’আর দিন নিরীহ ও নিরপরাধ আহমদীরা যখন জুমুআর নামায আদায়ের উদ্দেশ্যে মসজিদে সমবেত হন তখন এই পৈশাচিক আক্রমণ চালানো হয়। সূত্র জানায়, সশস্ত্র উগ্রপন্থীরা এলোপাতাড়ি গুলি ছুড়তে ছুড়তে মসজিদে প্রবেশ করে আর একই সাথে গ্রেনেড হামলাও অব্যাহত রাখে। এরপর থেমে থেমে বিষ্ফোরণ ঘটাতে থাকে এবং অনবরত বৃষ্টির মত গুলি ছুড়তে থাকে।

অগণিত নিষ্পাপ আহমদী ঘটনাস্থলেই শাহাদাত বরণ করেন এবং অনেকেই গুরুতর আহত হন, ইন্নালিল্লাহি ওয়া ইন্নলিল্লাহে রাজেউন। ঘটনার সময় শত শত আহমদী মুসল্লি জুমুআর নামায আদায়ের উদ্দেশ্যে মসজিদে উপস্থিত ছিলেন।

প্রকাশ থাকে যে, আহমদীয়া মুসলিম জামা’ত, দীর্ঘকাল যাবত পাকিস্তানে চরম বিরোধিতার সম্মুখিন। বিভিন্ন সময় আহমদীদের অনুষ্ঠানাদীকে চরমপন্থীরা আক্রমণের লক্ষ্যে পরিণত করে আসছে। পাকিস্তানের আহমদীদেরকে বিশেষ করে নেতৃস্থানীয় আহমদীদেরকে বিভিন্ন স্থানে পরিকল্পিতভাবে হত্যা করা হচ্ছিল। কিন্তু শুক্রবারের এই হৃদয়বিদারক ঘটনা জঙ্গীবাদীদের পক্ষ থেকে একটি সুসংগঠিত ও সুপরিকল্পিত হীন আক্রমণ। এই বর্বর ও পাশবিক আক্রমন সেই আহমদীয়া মুসলিম জামাতের উপর করা হয়েছে যারা নিজেরাও কলেমা পাঠকারী। সমগ্র বিশ্বে আল্লাহ্ তা’লা ও মুহাম্মদ রসূলুল্লাহ্ (সা.)-এর নামকে সমুন্নত করার জন্য এই জামাত অহোরাত্র কাজ করে যাচ্ছে। আহমদীয়া মুসলিম জামাতের পবিত্র প্রতিষ্ঠাতা হযরত মির্যা গোলাম আহমদ কাদিয়ানী (আ.) এবং তাঁর খলীফাদের শিক্ষা অনুযায়ী জামাতে আহমদীয়ার প্রতিটি সদস্য নিজ নিজ দেশে শান্তিপ্রিয় নাগরিক হিসেবে সুপরিচিত।

বিশ্বের সকল প্রান্তে বসবাসকারী আহমদীর কাছে অনুরোধ, আপনারা সমস্যা কবলিত আহমদীদের জন্য বিশেষভাবে পাকিস্তানে বসবাসরত আহমদীদের নিরাপত্তার জন্য দোয়া করুন। আল্লাহ তা’লা আহমদীয়া জামা’তের প্রত্যেক সদস্যকে স্বীয় নিরাপত্তার বেষ্টনীতে আশ্রয় দিন, আমীন!

প্রাপ্ত সুত্রঃ কেন্দ্রীয় বাংলা ডেস্ক, লন্ডন, ইউকে

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Friday Sermon - Phenomenon of satanic forces and God's chosen people

Friday Sermon - Phenomenon of satanic forces and God's chosen people

Phenomenon of satanic forces and God's chosen people

Summary of Friday Sermon

Delivered by Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad at, the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

May 28 th, 2010

NOTE: Alislam Team takes full responsibility for any errors or miscommunication in this Synopsis of the Friday Sermon

Hudhur recited verses 72 – 75 of Surah Sad, the translation reads: ‘When thy Lord said to the angels, ‘I am about to create man from clay, ‘And so when I have fashioned him in perfection, and have breathed into him of My Spirit, fall ye down in submission to him.’ So the angels submitted, all of them together. But Iblis did not. He behaved proudly, and was of those who disbelieved.’ And delivered a Friday Sermon on the phenomenon of satanic forces and God’s chosen people, His Prophets helped by hosts of angels.

Hudhur said from the beginning of time Satan and man have been contending with each other. In religious account God’s love for Adam (on whom be peace) caused Satan to declare war with him with much ferocity. This enmity was repeated in the era of each Prophet of God and indeed is still being repeated. Prophets of God guide to ways leading to God and Satan has always tried to spoil this process and continues to do so. He frightens and misleads people with all manner of pretext, greed and terror. The Holy Qur’an cites in many places that from the creation of Adam (on whom be peace) Satan started using ploys. From Surah Al Fatiha to Surah Al Nas, God has mentioned Satan to alert believers from his attacks, and has commanded to protect themselves from him through prayer.

The aforementioned verses declare the creation of God’s beloved and His command to angels to completely submit to man and the arrogance of Satan in declining to submit to one who was, in his view, created from lesser matter. When God created man, He put the capacity in him to imbue Divine qualities and thus attain nearness to God, and go on to attain a high point in this nearness where angels would be commissioned to serve him. God sends His Prophets who attain the greatest nearness to Him and as a result the entire system of angels arises to help and support them. God’s special decree comes into action for this purpose. God created man as the most eminent of all creation and pressed the entire creation in his service. When man is granted prophethood he becomes the Adam of his age, imagine the support and succour he would receive in such instance.

During the time of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) he and the believers were bitterly persecuted and the pagans of Makkah marshalled aggression in order to eliminate Islam. In the Battle of Badr it was God’s angels whose help turned the tide in favour of the Muslims. There are several other instances from the time of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) which illustrate that an army of angels was always with him and the believers. Indeed, the Muslims lost their lives as well as suffered from loss of property etc. however; the mob of Iblees (Satan) could never achieve their objective. Those who follow Satan try their utmost to create doubts and suspicions in people’s hearts through murder and mayhem, financial loss, both overtly and covertly putting terror in people’s hearts. Opponents of good fall into the control of Satan because of their arrogance. Their argument is that those who claim prophethood and who call to God are in fact poor and lowly and it is them who are knowledgeable and conversant, how could they then take their bai’at? Hudhur said it is again arrogance of those who do not accept the Imam of the age that is preventing them from accepting him.

When God commanded angels to prostrate to man it was not a literal command for only God is worthy of prostration. This command meant that one who is commissioned by God should be perfectly obeyed and Satan should not be allowed to succeed in his objectives against him. It meant that the Prophet should be helped in making Satan unsuccessful and an awareness of the message of the Prophet and God’s help and succour for him should be inspired in pious-natured people so that they may recognise the truth and join the community of the Prophet. These people would then go through spiritual enhancement and experience God’s help and succour, as a result their life on this earth and their Hereafter is accomplished and they become the recipients of God’s Paradise. The hearts of pious-natured people are enthused and this is when angels declare: ‘So the angels submitted, all of them together…’ Meanwhile the works of Prophet is blessed in extraordinary ways and one can observe the ‘submission’ of pious-natured people and it is this obedience and submission that is the ‘prostration’ to carry the mission of the Prophet further. By becoming most excellent helpers they take his work forward.

Hudhur said in this age it is the true and ardent devotee of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him), the Promised Messiah, who has been addressed as ‘Adam’ by God. The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said that to affront one commissioned by God is to affront God. Hudhur said today those who oppose the community of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) in fact are contending with God. It was revealed to the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace): ‘I determined on the appointment of a Vicegerent and so created Adam, the Vicegerent of Allah the Sultan’ (Tadhkirah p.369). Hudhur said our Khilafat is spiritual rather than temporal and this status was granted to the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) because of his subservience to the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). Having granted the status, God commanded angels to submit to him, that is, submit to the special human who had been chosen for faith. In another revelation God thus assured the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace): ‘…I shall stand with My Messenger and angels will help him…’ (Tadhkirah p. 453). Hudhur explained that this ‘help of God’ is not a tale of yore. We witness to this day that Satan is at work and so are the angels. Our opponents oppress us with their persecution in one place and the community grows in many new places.

Hudhur said he read in Al Fazl recently how Hilmi Shafi sahib accepted Ahmadiyyat and how God inclined him. Mustapha Thabit sahib, who was an Ahmadi, lived worked in Sana desert with Hilmi Shafi sahib. Hilmi sahib would watch the then young man as different from the rest and regular in Salat. Gradually they became friends and while discussing Islam Thabit sahib would present reasoning and argument to which neither Hilmi sahib had the answers to nor could his religious leaders help with. When they parted way, Hilmi sahib kept some of Thabit sahib’s books, including the Five Volume Commentary of the Holy Qur’an. Having read the books, he would, as is the way of people outside our community, try and find objections within. Hudhur said these days it seems to be a trend in Pakistan to look for objections in our books where it clearly demonstrates that the ‘objection’ is actually borne out of the lack of knowledge of the objector. So, Hilmi sahib too would try and find fault and when he sought assurance from religious scholars he could not get any. When he read the book ‘Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam’ it excited him. He showed the book to his father and asked what sort of a person could have written it. His father said, ‘certainly a waliAllah’ (friend of God). Hilmi sahib asked his father what if such a person is claiming to be the Messiah. His father replied he could not object to him, only one very close to God could have written it. However, he added he was old and could not accept him. Hilmi sahib’s heart changed and he accepted the truth and took his bai’at.

Hudhur said such incidents take place even now. Many people are given the message of Ahmadiyyat through dreams. All this is the commotion created by angels in help of one commissioned by God which leads pious-natured people turn to the truth. On the other hand, those who follow Satan, exceed in their opposition and create impediments backed by arrogance. It is their arrogance that persuades them to rebellion and to follow Satan. Whereas God’s people try and become a reflection of Divine attributes and enhance their spirituality.

The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said that arrogance is an evil that does not give up chasing man. He said arrogance comes from Satan and unless one distances from Satan, one cannot accept the message of truth and cannot avail of Divine beneficence. Unless and until man purifies himself of conceit he cannot win God’s pleasure. It was conceit that led Satan imagine he was superior to Adam and was thus accursed by God. However, when one attains Divine knowledge one comes into the guardianship of God. Hudhur explained that the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said that his opponents may prostrate in his opposition, make cursing prostrations in the process and rub their noses to the ground, their noses would rot but no loss would come to the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace).

Hudhur said news are coming in the today, many must have heard it, seen it on TV, severe attacks have been made on two [of our] mosques in Lahore, one in Model Town and the other Darul Zikr. Similarly, rallies have been taken out in Kunri. Likewise, in other places in the world, in various countries, opposition is carried out by following the mullah. Can this opposition finish Ahmadiyyat? Did Ahmadiyyat ever come to an end after earlier opposition? Most certainly not, and it never will, of course it will definitely make those who oppose us the target of God’s chastisement and reprove.

Advising us, the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said that prayer is such that when Adam and Satan contended with each other no other scheme availed but prayer. In the latter-days, again, triumph will come about through prayer. The first Adam was triumphant through prayers and the second Adam too, who will fight Satan in the latter-days, will be triumphant in this way.

Hudhur said enmity against us is increasing greatly. There is tremendous need for us to turn to prayer. Indeed, our community is also progressing and growing in spite of Satan waylaying at every corner. Pious-natured people continue to enter the community.

Hudhur said we need to pay attention to the Quranic prayer: ‘Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves; and if Thou forgive us not and have not mercy on us, we shall surely be of the lost’ (7:24) to gather blessings and for protection against satanic attacks, both on an individual as well as communal level.

The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said that in His wisdom God made Adam with two connections: one connection was with God Himself ‘And so when I have fashioned him in perfection, and have breathed into him of My Spirit, (38:73). This verse proves that by breathing His Spirit in Adam, God created a connection with him so that mankind too could have that connection. On the other hand, He created a natural connection in man with the rest of mankind. Hudhur said it is our responsibility to develop this connection. If this connection of ours is correct, the nature of Adam will become a part of our nature. We will be drawn to pay the dues of mankind and will take the mission of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) forward.

Hudhur said the situation regarding the attacks at the mosques in Lahore is not quite clear yet, however there have been many martyrdoms and many have been injured, some of whom are in a critical condition. The situation in Darul Zikr is not clear yet. The number of martyrdoms could increase as people had come there for Jummah, we will know more when the details will come in. May God elevate the stations of all the martyrs. Pray for the injured, some are critically wounded. This was an aim by the opponents to inflict communal loss. Certainly, God has the power to retaliate. Through which source will He demonstrate His decree, how will He seize those who create disorder and persecute, He alone knows. However, may He make those a cautionary sign, who challenge God’s sense of honour again and again and are exceeding all limits in oppression and InshaAllah this will come to pass.

Hudhur reiterated that Ahmadis should enhance compassion in their prayers. May God demolish their arrogance, their conceit and their presumption of power by demonstrating a manifestation of His Power. May we ever increase in our faith and belief and may this trial never become a cause of weakness for us. All Ahmadis should pray for Pakistani Ahmadis these days. The circumstances there are most adverse. Similarly, pray for the Ahmadis who are imprisoned in Egypt, may God facilitate their speedy release. In Kerala, India some Ahmadis have also been wrongly imprisoned, remember them in your prayers. In accordance with His promise, God will never let the sacrifices of those who are imprisoned and the injured and the martyrs go to waste. InshaAllah. Satan and his mob will never be successful. May God have mercy on us and keep us safe from every trial in future.

FSJ20100514-EN.pdf (application/pdf Object)

FSJ20100514-EN.pdf (application/pdf Object)

The Amīr/ National President
Jamā‘at Ahmadiyya,
Dear Brother,
On 14th May, 2010, Hadrat Khalīfatul Masīh V delivered the Friday Sermon at
Baitul Futūh Mosque, London.
Hudur gave a discourse on verses 2-4 of Sūrah Al-A‘la, which are translated as
‘Glorify the name of thy Lord, the Most High, Who creates and perfects, and
Who designs and guides,’ (87:2-4)
Hudur said: In keeping with the practice of the Holy Prophet , this Sūrah
is commonly recited in Jumu‘a and ‘Īd prayers. The Holy Prophet used to
recite sura Al-A‘la in the first rak‘a and Sūrah Al-Ghashiya in the second. According to
Hadrat Musleh Mau‘ud , in the first verse we have been commanded to glorify the
name of God and the perfect example in this regard was set for us by the Holy Prophet
who surpassed everyone in his remembrance and praise of his Lord. Hudur
shed further light on this by quoting Ahādīth related by Hadrat Ayesha and
other Companions to the effect that the Holy Prophet would offer
abundant praise and gratitude to God even for the smallest bounties.
Among the many ways which the Holy Prophet taught his followers of praising
and remembering Allāh, was that they should use words that comprehend all His
attributes. They should ponder over these attributes and bring to mind all of Allāh’s
bounties as well as His Greatness and Majesty. Hudur said: Do not depend upon
worldly means for your sustenance, your success, your progress or your victory;
instead concentrate on your praise for God, Who is the Lord of the worlds and free
from every imperfection.
Hudur said: This verse also means that you should spread the name of your Lord
throughout the world. In this also we find that the Holy Prophet did full justice
to his mission of calling mankind towards God. He undertook the task of Da‘wat
Ilallāh with the utmost devotion, sagacity and perseverance. Even in adversity he kept
praising his Lord and continued to spread His message. This was the quality he
instilled in his Companions as well. Such was his spiritual influence that they did
not desist from any sacrifice to exalt the name of their Lord.
Hudur said: In the second verse, it is said that God is the One Who creates and
perfects. This means that God has invested man with all the faculties necessary for his
advancement and has placed in him the seed of progress. With the proper use of his
spiritual and mental faculties, man can become a reflection of God’s attributes. In this
regard, too, the Holy Prophet was the perfect example, for it was to him that
God revealed His perfect teaching in keeping with the demands of human nature.
Hudur said: Allāh has not only provided mankind with cure for physical diseases
but also for their spiritual maladies. He always sends His Messengers to cure the
spiritually sick. He sent the Holy Prophet with the perfect teaching in the form
of the Holy Qur’ān at a time when mankind became ridden with all spiritual maladies
and the sins of all the ages had become prevalent.
Hudur said: The Promised Messiah was sent by God to dig pearls of
knowledge and wisdom from the Holy Book and to cure our spiritual weaknesses.
These cures benefit those who reflect upon the Holy Qur’ān in the light of the
Promised Messiah’s teachings and commentaries.
Hudur said: Regarding the third verse, Hadrat Musleh Mau‘ud said that
having given man the ability to progress and having endowed him with tremendous
faculties, Allāh has also provided for him the means for limitless progress. This means
that He gave mankind powers in keeping with the teachings that He later revealed to
them. The other meaning is that whenever man goes astray, God sends His teachings
to meet his needs. Hudur said: May Allāh help us to truly live by His teachings,
to praise Him, worship Him and spread His message to the whole world.
In the end, Hudur spoke about the persecution and arrest of some Ahmadīs in
Egypt and asked the Jama‘at to pray for them and also for Ahmadīs in Pakistan. May
Allāh protect them all. Āmīn.
Please convey these guidelines given by Hudūr to the members of your Jamā‘at.
(Ch. Hameedullah)
Wakīl A‘lā,
Tahrīk Jadīd Anjuman Ahmadiyya Pakistan,
Dated: 20 May 2010

Ahmadiyya Times: Murder and mayhem: This is a sign of things to come | Rafiq Hayat

Ahmadiyya Times: Murder and mayhem: This is a sign of things to come | Rafiq Hayat

Friday, May 28, 2010

Murder and mayhem: This is a sign of things to come | Rafiq Hayat

What we witnessed today appears to be unprecedented and shocking - but it is the shape of things to come. As long as governments sit wringing their hands in impotent angst against the machinations of religious extremists, attacks on these soft targets will continue.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff | UK Desk
Source & Credit: The Independent
By Rafiq Hayat | UK | May 28, 2010

The brazen attacks on mosques belonging to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community might be dismissed by some as an example of sectarian conflict in Islam – but it is here that lay the roots of what later became the war on terror.

For the targeting of the most benign and peace-loving Islamic community that lives by a code of Love for All, Hatred for None, is the culmination of decades of persecution.

Extremists fuelled by hate-filled sermons against Ahmadi Muslims have previously attacked and desecrated mosques, murdered Ahmadi Muslims in workplaces or homes and discriminated against us in all spheres of life.

In Pakistan, laws have been passed denying us the right to call ourselves Muslims – with severe punishments if we ‘pose as Muslims’ by issuing the call to prayer, or exchanging the Islamic greeting of Salaam – which means peace.

Even Nobel Prize-Winning scientist Professor Abdus Salam, who was a leading member of the Ahmadi Muslim community, was not spared. These laws remain on the statute books and legitimise violence and discrimination against Ahmadi Muslims. The latest incidents are a stark reminder that these laws must now be repealed forthwith if Pakistan is to take its place in the international community as a responsible nation.

The extremists have vilified Ahmadi Muslims as ‘agents of the West’ to carry out all manner of atrocity against us for decades- while the powers that be have looked on. Thousands of Ahmadi Muslims have fled – many to the West where they have integrated and led peaceful lives as beacons of how Islam is compatible with life in the 21st century.

But now the fire of hate that was kindled by the extremists is raging out of control and what was first simply a targeting of a minority community like the Ahmadis has led to brazen attacks of Ahmadi mosques, Shia mosques and Christian churches. Western nations have been targeted as well as their interests.

What we witnessed today appears to be unprecedented and shocking - but it is the shape of things to come. As long as governments sit wringing their hands in impotent angst against the machinations of religious extremists, attacks on these soft targets will continue.

Instead of capitulating to the demands of extremists, governments should adopt a zero-tolerance approach to the imposition of a particular religious model over another. Freedom of faith- as required by Islam and enshrined by human rights- should be held as a model of good practise.

I fear that this is a cry in the wilderness. For too long I have witnessed the hijacking and manipulation of my faith by extremists who have seized the agenda and seem to be holding governments to ransom.

Ahmadi Muslims represents a renaissance of Islam- a chance for peace to find a way. Let it not be shot down in flames.

Rafiq Hayat is Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UK

Read the original article here: Rafiq Hayat: This is a sign of things to come

Terrorist attacks on Ahmadi Mosques in Pakistan « Al Islam eGazette

Terrorist attacks on Ahmadi Mosques in Pakistan « Al Islam eGazette

28th May 2010


Terrorist attacks on Ahmadi Mosques in Pakistan


Earlier today two mosques belonging to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat in Lahore were attacked by terrorists. The mosques were the Baitul Nur Mosque in Model Town and the Darul Zikr Mosque in Gharishaw.

Although it is not yet clear what the exact numbers are, it is being reported that dozens of Ahmadis have been killed, many more injured. Ahmadi witnesses are saying that the mosque is covered in blood.

The attacks are the culmination of years of un-policed persecution of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, which is a minority sect in Pakistan. In 1974 legislation was passed that declared Ahmadis to be ‘non-Muslim’ and in 1984 further legislation was passed in which the practice of the faith was outlawed. At regular intervals since then Ahmadis have been attacked but today’s attack is the most cruel and barbaric. All Ahmadis, who are based in 195 countries, are peace loving and tolerant people and yet they are continually targeted by extremist factions.

During his Friday Sermon at 1pm today the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat condemned the terrorist attacks.

His Holiness Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“Today two our mosques in Lahore were attacked by extremists. At the moment we do not have full details of what has happened. It is clear though that a number of our Ahmadis have been killed and many others have been injured.

These people had merely come to the mosque to offer their Friday prayers and yet became victims of a heinous terrorist attack. May God grant patience to the bereaved and elevate the status of those who have been martyred.”

Further details will be issued by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat at regular intervals.

UPDATE – May 28th

In response to the terrorist attacks that took place at two Ahmadi mosques in Lahore earlier today, His Holiness, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad has issued the following statement:

“The terrorist attacks that occurred today at two of our mosques in Lahore were completely barbaric and alien to all forms of humanity.

These attacks took place in mosques which are places of worship and at the time of the Friday prayers which all Muslims know is a holy and sacred time. No true Muslims could ever countenance such attacks, such cruelty and such barbaric behaviour. No form of terrorism has any place in Islam and thus those who were behind these attacks may justify their acts in its name, but let it be clear they are Muslim only in name and never in deed.

The situation in Pakistan is extremely grave. For decades Ahmadi Muslims have not been able to live in peace, in fact they live their lives in constant danger. In 1974 Ahmadi Muslims were declared ‘non-Muslim’ by the Government of Pakistan and then ten years later the infamous Ordinance XX was adopted which criminalised all forms of Ahmadi worship and the practice of its faith.

These laws effectively legitimised the exclusion and persecution of our Jama’at in Pakistan. Ever since, extremists have taken advantage and targeted Ahmadis. Despite this cruelty Ahmadis have remained loyal citizens of Pakistan and have never shown any form of civil disobedience.

At this time we do not know the full extent of what has happened. However it is clear that dozens of Ahmadis have been killed and many others have been injured. I pray that Allah may grant patience to all those who have been left bereaved and grant an elevated status in Paradise to those who have been martyred. May God restore to health those who have been injured.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at is a peace loving true Muslim Jama’at. Thus there will be no improper reaction from any Ahmadi. Our salvation lies in our supplications to God Almighty and we believe that He has, and always will, help us. No terrorist and no government can ever stop the progress of our Jama’at because it is a Divine organisation.

May Allah protect all good natured people from the evil acts of those opposed to peace.”

22 Deer Park Road, London, SW19 3TL UK
Tel/Fax: 020 8544 7613 Mob: 077954 90682 Email:
Press Secretary AMJ International
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BBC Bangla - খবর - পাকিস্তানে মসজিদে হামলা, নিহত ৮০

পাকিস্তানে মসজিদে হামলা, নিহত ৮০

Lahore Attack
লাহোরে দুটো মসজিদে হামলায় দেড় শতাধিক হতাহত হয়েছেন ৻
পাকিস্তানের লাহোরে শুক্রবারের নামাজের সময় আহমদিয়া সম্প্রদায়ের দুটি মসজিদের ওপর বন্দুকধারীরা হামলা চালিয়েছে৻
এই ঘটনায় ৮০ জনের বেশি নিহত হয়েছে এবং আহত হয়েছে আরো বহু লোক৻
কয়েক ঘন্টা বন্দুকযুদ্ধের পর নিরাপত্তা বাহিনী মসজিদ দুটোর নিয়ন্ত্রণ নিজেদের হাতে নিতে সক্ষম হয় ৻
যখন হামলা হয় তখন দুটো মসজিদে শত শত মুসল্লি নামাজ পড়ছিলেন ৻ লাহোরের মডেল টাউন এলাকায় একটি আর ঘনবসতিপূর্ণ গাড়হি সাহু এলাকায় হামলার শিকার অপর মসজিদটি অবস্থিত ৻
শুক্রবারের জুম্মার নামাজ চলার সময় প্রথমে বিস্ফোরণ আর তারপরে দুই মসজিদেই গোলাগুলি শুরু হয় ৻ পুলিশ বলছে, দুঘন্টা ধরে হামলাকারীদের সঙ্গে বন্দুকযুদ্ধের পর তারা মডেল টাউন এলাকার মসজিদটির নিয়ন্ত্রণ নিতে পারে ৻ তবে, গারহি সাহু এলাকার মসজিদে এরপরেও কয়েকঘন্টা ধরে লড়াই চলে ৻ সেখানে মসজিদের ভেতর নামাজিদের জিম্মি করে রাখে হামলাকারীরা ৻
খবর পাওয়া গ্যাছে, বন্দুকধারীরা মডেল টাউন মসজিদে নির্বিচারে গুলি চালিয়েছে ৻ হামলাকারীদের কাছে একে ৪৭ রাইফেল, শটগান, গ্রেনেড এবং সম্ভবত আরো বিষ্ফোরক ছিল ৻ টিভি ফুটেজে মসজিদের মিনারের ওপর একজন হামলাকারীকে দেখা গেছে , যে রাইফেল থেকে গুলি আর গ্রেনেড ছুঁড়ছিল যখন নীচে পুলিশ জঙ্গীদের সঙ্গে বন্দুকযুদ্ধ চালাচ্ছিল ৻
হামলার দুটো লক্ষ্যই , ইসলাম ধর্মাবলম্বীদের একটি ছোট গোষ্ঠী আহমদিয়াদের মসজিদ ৻ ইসলামাবাদে বিবিসি‘র সংবাদদাতা আলীম মাকবুল বলছেন, এই হামলাগুলোকে আহমদিয়াবিদ্বেষী হামলা বলেই মনে হচ্ছে ৻
এর আগেও রক্ষণশীল সুন্নি গোষ্ঠীগুলোর হামলার শিকার হয়েছেন আহমদিয়ারা ৻ দীর্ঘদিন যাবত এই সংখ্যালঘু গোষ্ঠী তাদের জন্যে নিরাপত্তার সুব্যবস্থা এবং অবাধে ধর্ম পালনের সুযোগ দেওয়ার দাবি জানিয়ে আসছে ৻
পাঞ্জাব প্রদেশ সহ পুরো পাকিস্তান জুড়েই বিভিন্ন জঙ্গী গোষ্ঠী বিভিন্ন জাতিবিদ্বেষী হামলা চালিয়ে থাকে ৻ অন্যদিকে, সম্প্রতি লাহোরেও একের পর এক জঙ্গী হামলা ঘটছে ৻ মার্চে একটি ঘনবসতিপূর্ণ আবাসিক এলাকায় দুজন আত্মঘাতী হামলাকারীর হামলায় আন্তত ৪৫ জন প্রাণ হারিয়েছিলেন ৻
তবে, এদফায় দুটি মসজিদে হামলার দায়িত্ব এখনো কোন পক্ষ স্বীকার করেনি ৻ আর এটাই বহু বছরের মধ্যে আহমদিয়াদের ওপর সবচেয়ে বড় হামলা ৻ তবে, বিবিসির সংবাদদাতারা বলছেন, হামলার ধরনে তালিবান জঙ্গীদের ইঙ্গিত পাওয়া যাচ্ছে ৻
কট্টরপন্থী মুসলিমদের অনেকে এবং পাকিস্তানের সংবিধানও আহমদিয়াদের অমুসলিম বলে মনে করে ৻ ১৯৭৪ সালে পাকিস্তান সরকার আহমদিয়াদের অমুসলিম ঘোষণা করে ৻
১৮৮৯ সালে প্রতিষ্ঠিত ইসলাম ধর্মাবলম্বীদের এই গোষ্ঠীর অনুসারীরা মনে করেন , তাদের প্রতিষ্ঠাতা মীর্জা গুলাম আহমেদ একজন নবী ছিলেন ৻ বেশিরভাগ মুসলিমের জন্যে এ ধারণা একেবারেই অগ্রহণযোগ্য ৻ যেহেতু, তারা বিশ্বাস করেন শেষ নবী ছিলেন মুহাম্মদ ৻
পাকিস্তানে এই গোষ্ঠীর অনুসারীদের ওপর নানা বিধিনিষেধ আরোপ করা হয়েছে ৻ আহমদিয়ারা ইসলামের সব রীতিনীতি মেনে চললেও ১৯৮৪ সাল থেকে পাকিস্তানে তাদের নিজেদের মুসলিম পরিচয় দেওয়ার ওপর আইনগত নিষেধাজ্ঞা আরোপ করা হয় ৻
ইসলামাবাদে বিবিসির এম ইলিয়াস খান জানাচ্ছেন , আহমদিয়া সম্প্রদায়ের মানুষ প্রায়ই হত্যা ,হামলা ,লুটপাটের শিকার হয়ে থাকেন ৻
কিন্তু এর আগে কখনো তাদের মসজিদে এধরনের বেপরোয়া এবং পরিকল্পিত হামলা হয়নি ৻

Lahore attacks leave over 80 dead -

Lahore attacks leave over 80 dead -

GEO Pakistan
Lahore attacks leave over 80 dead
Updated at: 1841 PST, Friday, May 28, 2010
Lahore attacks leave over 80 dead LAHORE: Gunmen attacked worshippers from a minority sect in two worship places of Lahore on Friday, taking hostages and killing over 80 people, officials said.

The gunmen opened fire shortly after prayers and threw what could have been grenades at two Ahmadi worship places in residential neighbourhoods.

More than 80 people had been killed in the twin attacks in Garhi Shahu and Model Town while about 95 others were injured.

The death toll at Garhi Shahu was higher, Bhutta said, because three attackers blew themselves up with suicide vests packed with explosives when police tried to enter the building.

Police are still searching the area as two attackers were still at large.

Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif said the incidents would generate greater resolve to combat extremism.

"It's a reminder to the nation that Pakistan will achieve its destiny only after we get rid of the worst type of extremism and fundamentalism," he told a news conference. "The entire nation will fight this evil."

He said one attacker had been arrested. Police in Model Town confirmed one gunmen had been arrested and another killed.

Punjab's Law Minister Rana Sanaullah said the arrested attacker was a teenage Pashtun. This, he said, indicated a link to the tribal area of Waziristan and strongly hinted at a Taliban link.

"The prayer leader was giving a sermon when we heard firing and blasts. Everybody stood up and then two gunmen barged into the mosque and sprayed bullets," Fateh Sharif, a 19-year-old student, told from Model Town.

"They had long beards. They were carrying rucksacks."

Bhutta said a suicide vest laden with explosives was recovered from the Model Town, where some attackers escaped. One fired at a television van before the area was made safe.

Witnesses said the assaults were launched shortly after prayers.

"I saw some gunmen run towards the Ahmadis' place of worship and then I heard blasts and gunfire," said Mohammad Nawaz, a resident.

Stock market investors shrugged off the latest violence.

"Initially we saw some selling after the attack but investors started accumulating shares at lower levels," said Asad Iqbal, chief executive at Faysal Asset Management Ltd adding that there was foreign buying which boosted local confidence.

The Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) benchmark 100-share index was up 0.75 percent at 9,511.75 points at 4:05 pm.

Ahmadiyya Times: The 1000th post of Ahmadiyya Times: Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat responds to terrorists attack in Lahore, Pakistan

Ahmadiyya Times: The 1000th post of Ahmadiyya Times: Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat responds to terrorists attack in Lahore, Pakistan

Friday, May 28, 2010

The 1000th post of Ahmadiyya Times: Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat responds to terrorists attack in Lahore, Pakistan

"These people had merely come to the mosque to offer their Friday prayers and yet became victims of a heinous terrorist attack. May God grant patience to the bereaved and elevate the status of those who have been martyred.” [His Holiness, Mirza Masroor Ahmad]

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff |
Source & Credit: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
By Community Statement


Earlier today two mosques belonging to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat in Lahore were attacked by terrorists. The mosques were the Baitul Nur Mosque in Model Town and the Darul Zikr Mosque in Gharishaw.

Although it is not yet clear what the exact numbers are, it is being reported that dozens of Ahmadis have been killed, many more injured. Ahmadi witnesses are saying that the mosque is covered in blood.

The attacks are the culmination of years of un-policed persecution of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, which is a minority sect in Pakistan. In 1974 legislation was passed that declared Ahmadis to be ‘non-Muslim’ and in 1984 further legislation was passed in which the practice of the faith was outlawed. At regular intervals since then Ahmadis have been attacked but today’s attack is the most cruel and barbaric. All Ahmadis, who are based in 195 countries, are peace loving and tolerant people and yet they are continually targeted by extremist factions.

During his Friday Sermon at 1pm today the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat condemned the terrorist attacks.

His Holiness Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
“Today two our mosques in Lahore were attacked by extremists. At the moment we do not have full details of what has happened. It is clear though that a number of our Ahmadis have been killed and many others have been injured. These people had merely come to the mosque to offer their Friday prayers and yet became victims of a heinous terrorist attack. May God grant patience to the bereaved and elevate the status of those who have been martyred.”

BBC News - Pakistan mosque attacks in Lahore kill scores

BBC News - Pakistan mosque attacks in Lahore kill scores

Pakistan mosque attacks in Lahore kill scores

Page last updated at 23:22 GMT, Friday, 28 May 2010 0:22 UK

Eyewitness Nadeem Khalifa describes the scenes inside one of the mosques

Gunmen have launched simultaneous raids on two mosques of the minority Ahmadi Islamic sect in Lahore, killing more than 80 people, Pakistani police say.

The attackers fired guns and threw grenades at worshippers during Friday prayers. Three militants later blew themselves up with suicide vests.

Pakistani forces have secured both buildings, but are still searching for militants who fled the scene.

Lahore has been the scene of a string of brazen attacks.

It is unclear who carried out the attacks, but suspicion has fallen on the Pakistani Taliban, Ali Dayan Hassan of Human Rights Watch told the BBC.

Mr Hassan said the worshippers were "easy targets" for militant Sunni groups who consider the Ahmadis to be infidels.

Suicide vests

Police said several attackers held people hostage briefly inside the mosque in the heavily built-up Garhi Shahu area.


The attackers shot anyone who moved, according to survivors like Syed Rashid Rahim, a lawyer we interviewed at the hospital.

He survived three hours trapped in the mosque, and three bullet wounds.

The hardest thing to bear, he said, was the brutal killing of a boy aged 13 or 14, which happened in front of his eyes.

His father was behind him, sheltering behind a column. He asked him for water and the son was offering him water. While he was drinking, these two people came in and they shot him point blank.

"I cannot forget that," he said, fighting back tears. "I thought they would spare him, but they did not."

Some took up positions on top of the minarets, and fired assault rifles at police engaged in gunfights with militants below.

Three of the attackers blew themselves up with suicide vests packed with explosives when police tried to enter the mosque, officials said.

Police were searching for at least two militants who managed to flee the scene.

Police took control of the other mosque in the nearby Model Town area after a two-hour gunfight.

Gunmen opened fire indiscriminately at the mosque, before security forces managed to kill one militant and capture two others, eyewitnesses told the BBC.

They were said to be armed with AK-47 rifles, shotguns and grenades.

Persecuted minority

Sectarian attacks have been carried out by various militant groups in Punjab province, and across Pakistan in the past.

While the Ahmadis consider themselves Muslim and follow all Islamic rituals, they were declared non-Muslim in Pakistan in 1973, and in 1984 they were legally barred from proselytising or identifying themselves as Muslims.


  • A minority Islamic sect founded in 1889, Ahmadis believe their own founder, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, who died in 1908, was a prophet
  • This is anathema to most Muslims who believe the last prophet was Muhammad, who died in 632
  • Most Ahmadi followers live in the Indian subcontinent
  • Ahmadis have been the subject of sectarian attacks and persecution in Pakistan and elsewhere
  • In 1974 the Pakistani government declared the sect non-Muslim
Who are the Ahmadis? In pictures: Lahore attacks Analysis: Soft target for militants Eyewitness: Mosque attack

Members of the community have often been mobbed, or gunned down in targeted attacks, says the BBC's M Ilyas Khan in Islamabad.

But this is the first time their places of worship have suffered daring and well co-ordinated attacks that bear the mark of Taliban militants, our correspondent adds.

The London-based Ahmadi association said the attacks were the culmination of years of "unpoliced persecution" against the Ahmadis.

"Today's attack is the most cruel and barbaric," the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UK said in a statement.

The Chief Minister of Pakistan's Punjab province, Shahbaz Sharif, expressed "heartfelt sorrow" over the killings.

"No condemnation, however strong, will be enough for these incidents," he said.

US state department spokesman Philip Crowley said Washington also condemned the "brutal violence against innocent people".


At least 80 killed in Lahore attacks -

By the CNN Wire Staff
May 28, 2010 -- Updated 2000 GMT (0400 HKT)
Click to play
Gunmen shown shooting at mosque
  • NEW: Human rights group says it warned of a possible attack
  • At least 80 killed, more than 70 wounded, government official says
  • Strikes targeted two mosques in Lahore belonging to Ahmadi religious group
  • Ahmadis are a persecuted religious minority

Islamabad, Pakistan (CNN) -- Attacks with bombs and firearms in Pakistan, targeting houses of worship for a persecuted religious minority, killed at least 80 people Friday, a senior government official said.

The strikes took place at two mosques in Lahore belonging to the Ahmadi religious group, police and rescue officials said.

At the Baitul Noor place of worship in the Model Town region, two attackers on motorbikes fired at the entrance of the building and tossed hand grenades, a rescue official told CNN. Police said one of the attackers was critically injured. The other, clad in a suicide jacket, was detained.

At a mosque in the Garhi Shahu neighborhood, one witness told CNN he saw two attackers armed with AK-47s, and another witness said he saw at least four gunmen. Sajjad Bhutta, the senior official, said the heads of three suicide bombers were discovered there.

Bhutta said more than 70 people were injured in the violence.

Video: Attacks result 'pampered extremists'
Video: Mosques attacked in Pakistan
  • Pakistan
  • The Taliban

Ahmadis regard themselves as Muslim. But the government says they aren't, and many Muslim extremists have targeted them. Sunni and Shiite Muslims do not regard followers of the religion as Muslims because they do not regard Mohammed as the last prophet sent by God.

The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, a non-governmental organization, deplored the attacks and said it has warned the Punjab provincial government about threats to the Ahmadi community center in Model Town for more than a year. Lahore is the capital of Punjab province.


"An HRCP delegation had held meetings with Chief Minister Punjab Shehbaz Sharif to apprise him of the situation and had demanded enhanced security measures to protect the vulnerable minority and its worship places. HRCP is of the view that though the Punjab government apparently took some steps to bolster the security ... they were not enough to face the well-coordinated and well-planned terrorist attack as witnessed on Friday," it said.

It urged the government "to provide foolproof security and protection to the Ahmadi community."

The movement was founded in 1889. Its followers believe that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835-1908) was sent by God as a prophet "to end religious wars, condemn bloodshed and reinstitute morality, justice and peace," the worldwide Ahmadi group says.

The group, which is thought to number between 3 million and 4 million people in the country, endures "the most severe legal restrictions and officially sanctioned discrimination" among Pakistan's religious minorities, according to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom.

The religious freedom commission, an independent, bipartisan U.S. government body, said in its latest annual report that "Ahmadis may not call their places of worship 'mosques,' worship in non-Ahmadi mosques or public prayer rooms which are otherwise open to all Muslims, perform the Muslim call to prayer, use the traditional Islamic greeting in public, publicly quote from the Koran, or display the basic affirmation of the Muslim faith."

The agency says it's illegal for the group to preach publicly, pursue converts or pass out religious material, and adherents are restricted from holding public conferences and traveling to Saudi Arabia for the hajj pilgrimage.

While the greatest number of its followers are in Pakistan and India, it has a presence in many European countries, such as Britain, where the religion's fifth and current spiritual head, Mirza Masroor Ahmad, resides.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Ahmadiyya Times: Eye on Extremism: Vulnerable minorities

Ahmadiyya Times: Eye on Extremism: Vulnerable minorities

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Eye on Extremism: Vulnerable minorities

There are some laws on the statute books — including the blasphemy law — that actively operate against minorities. Although the constitution pledges protection for the rights of minorities, it also contains provisions that have caused a sense of insecurity among them.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff | Int'l Desk
Source & Credit: Daily Dawn | Pakistan
Editorial | May 25, 2010

The EU parliament has rapped Pakistan hard on the knuckles for its poor minority rights record — and rightly so. It has also demanded a review of the infamous blasphemy law that has lent itself to misuse, to the extent of justifying murder.

While it is not clear if the European MPs were provoked by a particular incident, one cannot deny that Pakistan has to put in far more effort to gain the trust of its minorities. There are some laws on the statute books — including the blasphemy law — that actively operate against minorities. Although the constitution pledges protection for the rights of minorities, it also contains provisions that have caused a sense of insecurity among them. Attempts have been made to modify some laws, but the situation has not really changed on the ground. The blasphemy law that was introduced by the military regime of Gen Ziaul Haq is the most draconian and open to abuse. It has been used on a number of occasions to penalise communities that are not Muslim, with entire villages having been set on fire — Shantinagar is still fresh in our memory. An attempt by the Musharraf government to modify the process of registering a case under this law also ran into trouble.

With social prejudices increasing in an atmosphere of growing religiosity, it seems that minorities are becoming more vulnerable, even if they have rights under the law. Moreover, against a background of growing lawlessness in the country, they face a real danger of being targeted physically. They are discriminated against and, what is worse, cannot expect any protection from the state. The government must take a firm stand on their rights even if it means standing up to those obscurantist elements that have always opposed greater rights for Pakistan’s minorities. This government would be issuing a political statement in support of the minorities if it were to work towards repealing the blasphemy law. A campaign is also needed to make people aware of the virtues of tolerance. Without a change in the public mindset the current environment of hostility will remain.

Read the original editorial here: Vulnerable minorities

Monday, May 24, 2010

Commentary: Muslims in United States must demonstrate loyalty, patriotism | | Oshkosh Northwestern

Commentary: Muslims in United States must demonstrate loyalty, patriotism

By Saad Ahmad • May 23, 2010

The attempted terrorist attack on New York earlier this month has once again brought Muslims in the United States under a microscope. One positive aspect is that at least one Muslim group in the US, which happens to be one of the oldest in the US as well, Ahmadiyya Muslim Community (, has once again accepted the challenge of defending Islam. This time with a simple message to all the lunatics who want to abuse Islam for their political agenda: Love it or Leave it

Muslims all across US must take time to reflect. We must analyze if the mosques all across the US are trying to instill the Islamic injunction about loyalty to one's country among the youth. Quran clearly states in Chapter 4 verse 60 that it is the duty of every Muslims to follow the laws of the land where they live. In addition to this there are several verses in the Holy Quran that specifically tell Muslims to not create disorder. This raises a relevant question for the Muslims in the US, "Are we instilling these values in our children". We all get upset when fellow Muslims are humiliated at the airports or are subjected to profiling – question is what are we doing about it? We need to constantly remind our children and our youth that there must be no ambiguity in their minds about being loyal to the United States of America - under all situations. Muslim youth must not be confused on this issue and must know that the Holy Prophet (peace be on him) said "Loving one's country is part of the faith". Mosques all across the US must become beacons of patriotism and not question marks about their loyalty.

It is high time for all Muslims to join the efforts of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community in this regard. They must make a clear stand that only those are welcome in their mosques that have a clear and unambiguous loyalty to the United States and those who are confused about it should just leave us alone. We will all prefer if they just get out of our country. We must be grateful that Muslims enjoy more freedoms in US than any Muslim country in the world and in that respect US is the most Islamic country in the world. We can freely go to our mosques, offer our prayers anywhere and at any time, preach the message of Islam on any street corner, and tell our children about Islam without influence from the state. Forget the non-Muslim minorities; many Muslims do not enjoy these freedoms in the so-called Muslim countries. And then when we see lunatics take the name of Islam to threaten this land, all Muslims in US must be offended and take measures to rectify this.

We are fortunate that this great country allows us to organize and create change. If some Muslims are upset about some aspects of the US policies; there are ways to turn their passion into results that are legitimate and legal – but at no point should this question their loyalty to this great country. I pray that Muslims all across US make every effort to educate their fellow Muslims and the younger generation about this very important teaching of Islam.

Northwestern Community Columnist Saad Ahmad is originally from Pakistan and has been living in Wisconsin since 1990. He attended the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh and then stayed in the area. He works as a computer software consultant.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

7th Annual Peace Symposium - The Review of Religions

7th Annual Peace Symposium - The Review of Religions

7th Annual Peace Symposium

Fifth Khalifa of the Promised Messiah, Head of the Worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim community

Keynote address delivered by His Holiness, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V, Head of the Worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim community (may Allah strengthen his hand) at the Ahmadiyya Muslim community’s Peace Symposium held at the Baitul Futuh Mosque on 20th March 2010. The Symposium was also addressed by Rafiq Hayat, National President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association UK, Siobhain McDonagh (MP Mitcham & Morden), Stephen Hammond (MP Wimbledon), Laura Moffat (MP Crawley), Justine Greening (MP Putney), Andrew Pelling (MP Central Croydon), Dominic Grieve (Shadow Justice Secretary), Tom Cox (former MP for Tooting), Martin Linton (MP Battersea), Tom Brake (MP Carshalton) and Lord Eric Avebury who received the inaugural Ahmadiyya Muslim Peace Prize.

(I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah; He is One and has no partner. And I bear witness that Muhammad is His Servant and Messenger. After this, I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the rejected. In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful)

All the distinguished guests gathered here tonight, Assalamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu – peace and blessings of Allah be upon you all.

After another year, a lovely evening has once again come when our dear friends belonging to different faiths and countries, but who are mostly British, have gathered here because they have a connection with the members of our community.

Some are old acquaintances, of course, and others are new. The fact that people of different countries, religions and cultures have come together and spared us their valuable time proves that they are all noble and decent persons with a desire for achieving a high objective, an objective that is the burning desire of every sincere person in this day and age. And so today, we have gathered here to talk about and listen to that word that can bring about tranquillity and contentment within our heart, and that word is ‘peace’!

This is but one word, yet it guarantees the tranquillity of one’s heart; it is the guarantor of the tranquillity of our home; it assures the betterment and welfare of society; and it guarantees the prosperity of our nation. So, when this word confers so many benefits then why should we not find it attractive? Why should it not be the burning desire of the heart of every good person?

To achieve anything, you must work hard for it. You have to make sacrifices. The higher the objective, the higher is the sacrifice required.

It is necessary that a code of conduct be established in which a person has to sacrifice his or her emotions and respect the feelings and sentiments of others. It is necessary that a person should stand on his own two feet and safeguard himself from envying the wealth of others and it is necessary that one should help the poor and yet be happy to live within one’s means. In short, if you desire to establish peace at any level, then it is essential that high moral values are exhibited, and guidelines need to be established for this.

The Holy Prophet of Islam, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, has taught us a golden principle, which is to choose for your brothers what you choose for yourself, because the lack of peace is caused by an anxiety of the heart.

And these anxieties are borne whenever deprivation is felt; when one feels oppressed; when one feels inferior and feels that there is no hope for justice; when the gap between the rich and poor widens; when one feels that there is a lack of equal opportunities for progress; when there are interferences in a person’s faith by the powerful; and, when a country tries to prove its supremacy over another, and in the name of aid a superior power tries to take hold of the resources of another country.

When this golden principle is forgotten – of choosing for your brother what you choose for yourself – then these and many other similar factors blow peace into pieces.

It is extremely difficult to live up to this golden principle. If we reflect upon these major factors that I have spoken about that are required to establish peace, then disregarding self-centred persons who only think of themselves, even those who truly long for peace do not follow this principle to the standard required. And that standard, of course, is that what you choose for your brother you choose for yourself.

There are many people who want to create an atmosphere of love, affection and brotherhood, yet how many people are actually willing to sacrifice their own wealth so that the situation should improve and restlessness should end? At an individual level there might be a few exceptions, here and there, where perhaps many people give a petty sum of charity, but it is an insignificant sacrifice and they are barely willing to forsake their emotions. When a large chunk of society and many countries become the victims of deprivation and cruelty, and become restless due to injustice, then hatred grows and such small sacrifices are rendered useless.

If we look at the world today, the majority are victims of deprivation, cruelty and injustice. Many powers are cruel and unkind to their own people, whether the cruelty is in the name of religion or the State itself. And Western governments, directly or indirectly, are involved in this oppression.

For example, will the hunger and famine in Ethiopia ever allow peace to be established in the country? On TV we see that very limited aid is being given to that country, but in this famine-ridden and economically shattered nation, such aid is hardly being used to feed the bellies of the starving people.

A larger amount is spent helping the rebels or the armies of the governments to purchase arms so that the so-called leaders can retain control. Ethiopia is incapable of manufacturing weapons. So the weapons must be reaching them from powerful nations, or from particular factions in wealthy countries who have cast their net like the Mafia.

Why have the powerful countries not tried to find a solution to this deprivation, cruelty and injustice in the world? Merely issuing a statement or summoning a meeting of a committee of the United Nations and expressing disapproval is not enough.

Similarly, it is wholly inadequate for the powerful countries to express sympathy with the Palestinians on TV. Why can an effort not be made to establish peace in the same way as in Iraq and Afghanistan? I am not saying that what has occurred in Iraq and Afghanistan is right or wrong, but am merely pointing out that the more powerful countries took action according to their own perception to establish peace. A Public Inquiry about the Iraq War is taking place at present in the UK and many of the government officials involved are continuing to maintain that the war was justified, in spite of the fact that the vast majority of the UK public and its politicians consider the action to have been unjustified.

Now the people of Iraq and Afghanistan are reacting in their own way to these acts in response. It was a presumption that if action was not taken against those in power, then there would be a grave threat to world peace, and so action was taken to preserve the rights of the people; but, on the other hand, was similar effort not required to protect the Palestinians from external attacks? Even if we suppose that the Palestinians initiated the war, such a disproportionate punishment could never be justified, whereby innocent children, women, elders and the unarmed are bombarded indiscriminately; an entire city is reduced to rubble. The Western media raised a great outcry, no doubt, and although the super-powers issued statements, no concrete steps were taken to stop Israel from continuing this cruelty.

Can those innocent children who saw their homes being destroyed; who saw their brothers and sisters being killed without any reason; who saw their helpless parents targeted whilst pleading for their lives; can those innocent children ever erase those horrific scenes from their memories? Their inner frustration will make them anxious, and when this anxiety is manifested, it will result in further disorder and that will lead to a reaction to check it. And as is evident from the history of Palestine, such a reaction will, of course, lead to further cruelty on them.

In today’s world, when an event occurs in one place, it is broadcast instantaneously throughout the world. As a consequence of witnessing images of such cruelty, Muslims will, no doubt, develop hatred, and such hatred will continue to increase. Malice and grudges in people’s hearts will multiply. There is already talk of this cruelty being repeated. Let us see what steps these major powers take to prevent this happening.

The Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, has taught us that to develop peace and to remove hatred from your heart a person must help both the oppressor and the oppressed. Hearing this, his Companions said that they could understand the principle of helping the oppressed, but how could they help the oppressor? The Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him replied that you can help the oppressor by stopping him from acting cruelly so that he can be saved from the Wrath of God.

It is necessary, therefore, to take practical steps to stop cruelty, regardless of whether it is the mighty or the weak that are inflicting the cruelty. Peace will not be established merely by adopting UN Resolutions; practical steps must be taken. It is necessary to establish trust and build confidence and for this absolute equality must prevail. Differences between the rich and developed and poor and developing countries must be eliminated. All forms of veto powers should be removed and the finer points of justice need to be identified. We need to be loyal to our covenants, our obligations and our status, and this loyalty can only occur when it is followed to the letter and spirit of the law; double standards should be eliminated. Indeed, the media has also been calling for this.

The Holy Qur’an has taught us how to fulfil the requirements of justice; it says that even if you have to testify against yourself or your relative then you must do so. How many matters are there that are presented in such an institution that was constituted after the Second World War so that the world could be saved from the horrors of war in future, where the major powers accept criticism against themselves and where they admit their own mistakes?

The decision of not admitting one’s own error was taken at that time when the United Nations was formed and a provision for veto power was granted to the five major powers. The fundamental requirement for justice of even giving evidence against oneself was denied. How can this institute establish justice? The strange thing, as I mentioned before, is that they were not loyal to their own principles.

Loyalty is borne from feelings of love and affection. At a personal level the feeling of love strengthens the feelings of loyalty. When a citizen loves his country then he exhibits allegiance and makes sacrifices for the sake of the nation.

If sentiments of love do not exist, then the spirit of sacrifice cannot be formed. Unless a person loves another he can never have good feelings in his heart towards him and he cannot faithfully fulfil the rights due to that person.

In an age where the electronic media has drawn us closer together, into what is called a global village, its benefit will only be felt when mutual goodness prevails. If, instead of good feelings, hatred emerges, if restlessness usurps heartfelt peace, then you must accept that this is not progress, but is something that will take you towards horrific destruction.

Here, I wish to make something very clear, and that is the relationship of mutual love, affection and loyalty between one person and another cannot be established until a relationship of love, affection and loyalty with the Lord Who created us is developed. Distress and anxiety exist nowadays in a large part of the world’s population because the world has forgotten its Creator. People have forgotten the fundamental teachings of their faith. In fact, a great number of people even reject the existence of God.

The Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community has also taught us that the majority of Muslims and non-Muslims have forgotten their fundamental teachings and have gone far away from God. This growing distance from God and religion is increasing the restlessness in the hearts of people. And he said that he had come, therefore, to remove such distance so that the rights of God may be discharged and the rights of God’s creation may also be discharged with feelings of love and sympathy. When these teachings are acted upon then we will observe real peace; otherwise, agitation will once again bring about utter destruction in the world.

With reference to peace, I would like to also say that turmoil and restlessness has spread all over the world and every possible way to reduce it should be adopted. Instead of unnecessarily interfering in the affairs of others and erecting walls of hatred, we should look to knock them down. The governments should not interfere where rights are not being violated. No laws should be proscribed regarding those matters that do not endanger the peace of the nation. Of course, where there is a threat to the peace of the nation; where there is a likelihood of harming the prosperity and progress of the nation; where the rights of citizens are unduly curtailed and where a person is made a symbol of hate due to his religion, there the Governments should interfere and legislate.

As I said before, and as you are all aware, the world has come together and the measures of distances have changed, and in every country people of different religions live side by side. Therefore, it is necessary and it is the need of the time that within our cosmopolitan societies, the bond of love and affection should be strengthened. Respect and honour for one another should be inculcated. Allegiance to one’s country should be infused amongst the entire society, and most importantly, the love of God should be instilled in the hearts of the people.

If these things are fostered then they will guarantee harmony within each country, and individual restlessness will be replaced by peace.

Over the past few years the hijab, or veil, has been made an issue in Europe. In France, in particular, an uproar has been created, and now they are seriously considering legislation that would partially ban the hijab. Following on from France, politicians in other European countries, and for their own political motives, are issuing statements supporting a ban and this is becoming a means of injuring the sentiments of Muslims.

Whenever I have reflected on this matter, I have never been able to understand what the problem with the veil is that it has become such a threat to governments. Is it such a heinous crime to wear a coat and cover one’s head and chin with a piece of cloth that an entire Parliament should sit to pass a law against it? If it is prohibited for a woman to wear a cloth on her head, then why are men allowed to wear caps and berets on their heads? This means that tomorrow a ban could also be proposed against such caps.

I saw a cartoon recently in a newspaper in which a lady wearing a veil was standing next to a young man wearing a beret. The young man was saying to the woman, ‘no burqah’, and the woman was saying to the man, ‘no beret’.

These issues thus have become a source of sarcasm; however, there are some sober-minded people in whose hands are the reins of the Executive and Legislature who should not interfere with such matters. Should legislation be passed against Christian and Jewish ladies who also adopt religious attire? If bans are imposed against the Muslims, then Muslim countries may impose restrictions on some forms of Western dress in response. This issue has the potential to snowball and it will affect the peace of the world.

By all means, if there is any covering that hides the identity of a person and it is necessary to remove it to identify a person, then the governments or the authorities have the right to do so. But what a travesty, that a woman may be deprived from travelling simply because she is wearing the hijab; or a human life may be deprived of care in a hospital and left in the jaws of death because she was wearing a veil.

Then, for example, an intelligent girl – who ranks at the top of her class, who is not just a Muslim, but an asset to the country in which she lives, is loyal to her country in every possible way, so much so that the love of her country is ingrained within her and she is willing to sacrifice all her skills and abilities for the sake of the progress of her country – and if this girl is prevented from carrying on her education only because she chose to observe hijab, not out of any compulsion, but due to her own free will; does this not render her bereft of her rights as a citizen? Will not this legislation that deprives her of education be the means of wasting a national talent?

This law has not yet been passed in Germany, but due to the bye-laws available to the administration of some schools, an Ahmadi Muslim girl whom I know, who is among the top-ranked students, is being deprived of her education. And there are many examples like this.

This national talent and the future of the country is being denied just because a Muslim girl wants to serve her country and at the same time wants to practise her religion of her own volition and happiness. A girl is being deprived of this right merely because she has a metre worth of cloth on her head.

If this is a crime, then during the winter all European ladies will have to be deprived of their rights when they wrap their heads with scarves. Certainly, it is food for thought that whether it is such a crime to wear this one metre cloth, and whether wearing it renders a woman worthy of being deprived of her basic human rights.

Is this a definition of modern democratic governments that claim to safeguard the rights of its people? Is this the way to bring together people of different nations? Is this the way to foster love and affection amongst people? Most certainly, every just-minded person will oppose this because these things will make the walls of hatred ever higher and destroy the peace of the world.

Currently, the minarets of mosques have also become a major issue, in particular in Switzerland. I said recently at the 50th anniversary of one of our mosques in Germany, that if we suppose for one second that conspiracies are being hatched in mosques, then will bringing down the minarets stop such conspiracies?

Firstly, not every mosque can have such an objection raised against it. I said in Germany with certainty, and I say it here as well, that not a single allegation can be proved against Ahmadi mosques in any part of the world, that they are spreading the message of hatred or rebellion. If you really want to make such an allegation, and if you really want to make the allegation of destroying the peace, then wherever the conspiracy can be found, remove it from the map. Indeed, if you become aware of any conspiracies being hatched in any mosque or other place of worship, then it is the responsibility of the government to take immediate action. However, to make it a general rule that Muslims always hatch conspiracies in places of worship will sow the seeds of hatred.

Politicians in some countries make such statements as a means of cheap publicity. In Switzerland, it is only our mosque, the Ahmadiyya Mosque, that has a high minaret, and so in newspapers its picture is printed and it is referred to as ‘a symbol of peace and security’. Certainly, not all politicians are alike; there are some politicians who make it clear to even their party leaders that they are not in favour of such religious compulsion.

These days the world is passing through a financial crisis. It is said that the recession has ended, that we have passed through the worst and that now we are emerging from it to recovery.

But the public is still affected; jobs are still being lost; the purchasing power is still as affected as it was before. These are matters for governments and major steps must be taken, rather than making choices based on personal preferences.

Will a woman wearing or not wearing a veil affect the economy of the country or the world? Will the wearing or not wearing of a veil or having or not having a minaret affect the moral value of a country or will it lead to recognition of the Creator? Will the wearing or not wearing of a veil or having or not having a minaret improve or harm the peace of the world?

If it does, then I will be the first to accept it because Islam teaches that you should be willing to sacrifice something small for the greater good. But no! All these actions are strengthening the foundations of hatred.

For God’s sake, in order to remove this hatred within your own circles, please act with justice, act with equality, and respect the feelings of others so that the peace can be restored, as has been said by so many guest speakers, almost – not almost – but all the guest speakers.

Amongst us tonight, Lord Eric Avebury is present whom I gave the Ahmadiyya Peace Award to just now. I consider him to be extremely honourable because he has always been a stalwart and at the forefront of upholding human rights. May God enable him to continue this work further, because upholding human rights is the guarantor of world peace.

Likewise there are a lot of other distinguished guests like Tom Cox, who was also a guest speaker and an old friend of the Community; Justine Greening, our MP for Putney; Laura Moffatt, MP for Crawley; Stephen Hammond, MP for Wimbledon and Siobhain McDonagh, MP for Mitcham and Morden. May they continue to work for the cause of developing peace in society as they have already spoken about it.

It is my prayer that mankind understands the value of humanity and fulfils the rights owed to each other.

Finally, I would like to once again thank all of you, who have come here with good sentiments and graced this occasion with your presence and shown respect for fellow human beings.

Thank you very much.